Testhouse Dashboard

A multi-page dashboard built with Python using plotly dash framework

By Chi Kit Yeung in Python Data Visualization Dashboard

May 31, 2024

Testing distribution by language team

High level overview of the distribution between manual, automation, and other efforts per language team.


Due to confidentiality concerns, only censored screenshots of the project will be shown.

It was a fun project that began when my team lead mentioned in passing how much of a pain it was to go through our raw working hours data. In this project I applied data classification techniques to clean up and categorize the raw data and then visualized it to make it easy for stakeholders to digest the data.

I used the dash framework by Plotly to enable interactivity with the visualizations so that users can access the dashboard via a web browser and apply filters as they like. An added bonus is that the visuals can also be exported as a png image so that they can use it in their own reports with upper management.

Packages Used:

  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Plotly Dash

In the works

  • Comparison tools to compare an individual’s time with the average
  • More metrics

Insight on each team member’s contribution to the team as well as a details section of individual tasks

Insight on individual member’s time allocation

Posted on:
May 31, 2024
1 minute read, 191 words
Python Data Visualization Dashboard
Management Dashboard Data Visualization Git
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